What is my worker status as a Jobbler?

Learn more about how to classify your gig work

As a Jobbler, you are considered an independent contractor. You are not employed by Jobble or any of its' business partners.

Here are some key takeaways for what it means to work as an independent contractor vs an employee:

  • You will not receive a W-2 at the end of the year, instead, you will receive a 1099 form if you earn $600 or more (a minimum set by the IRS) in a calendar year through Jobble

  • We cannot provide you with paystubs, because they don’t exist. Instead, you can check your bank statement for deposits from us

  • We cannot provide references or employment verification, as an employer would

  • Independent contractors are not entitled to overtime or holiday pay as covered by state and federal law

How do I ensure that I receive my 1099?

In order to receive your 1099 from Jobble, Inc., we remind all Jobblers using our platform to double-check that the following personal information is up to date on their personal profile, including these key areas:

Legal Name:

  • You must have your full, legal name - no nicknames for this purpose.

  • Your legal name is what is registered with your social security number (SSN).


  • You will have the opportunity to receive a digital or physical copy of your 1099. Even if you're receiving a digital copy, make sure your physical mailing address is correctly listed in your Jobble Profile.

  • Helpful tips: Have an apartment number, or P.O. Box? Make sure to include the exact address you receive mail to. Failure to provide the correct address might cause the 1099 to not be delivered correctly.

Social Security Number (SSN):

  • Helpful tips: What do I do if I don’t know my SSN or have lost my SSN Card?

  • If you have lost your SSN card or do not know of your SSN, you must contact the Social Security Administration (SSA) to apply for a new card. Note: You also must submit evidence of your identity, age, and U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status.

What do I do if I made less than $600?

If you earned less than $600 through Jobble in 2021, you will not receive a 1099-NEC form from Jobble.

You will still need to report your income to the IRS, even if you don’t receive a 1099-NEC form. To determine how much you earned through Jobble in 2021, you can view the Payments tab in the Jobble app or compile the deposits made to your bank account.