How Jobble's Automation works for you
Jobble AutoPilot
Once you have posted a job you can rely on Jobble AutoPilot to hire and manage your applicant pool. You'll receive email updates as AutoPilot starts hiring on your behalf.
- Your job will be promoted and begin to receive applicants.
- Jobble's AutoPilot will select the best candidates for your job based on their experience and work history.
- You'll be notified when you receive your first hire and as your roster starts filling up. Updates will be provided as your team builds and once your roster is complete.
Your Roster View
Your roster view is made of of four sections. To access the roster view screen, you can choose "Manage Roster," from the drop-down menu next to the job you would like to view, on the Jobs Dashboard.
The sections of this view are Applied, Pending, Hired, and Removed.
In the applied section, you can view applicants who have applied to your job. Jobble AutoPilot will select from these Jobblers the best workers to hire. You are also able to hire Jobblers from this list. If you want to attempt to reach out to potential hires, you can see the users verified contact information here.
In the pending section, you can view Jobblers who have been sent an offer. Here you can also see their contact information as well as the reason they are still pending.
In the hired section, you can see Jobblers who have accepted the offer to work your job.
In the removed section, you can see Jobblers who have been removed. They may have quit, been removed by Jobble AutoPilot, or been removed manually by your team.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Customer Success team at